What is happening to Masculinity?

There is an ongoing shift in society’s perception of masculinity,

which has concerning aspects. Over the recent years, we have witnessed changes in how masculinity is portrayed and understood, and these changes raise important questions about the role of men in modern society.

  • Traditional Masculinity is suffering a tsunami of attacks from many orders of power. Traditional media, big companys, politicians…  We all remember the disgusting commercial that Gillette posted some years ago, yet there are still people who buy their products.

How easily we forget about these insults!

You can also see Joe Rogan reaction here:

  • One of the noticeable trends is the redefinition of masculinity to be more inclusive and sensitive to the diverse experiences of men. While it’s important to challenge harmful stereotypes and behaviors, I am concerned that the push for this new version of masculinity might undermine the value of certain traditional virtues that have been important throughout history.
  • In addition, the erosion of traditional gender roles could have unintended consequences for relationships and families. While it’s essential to recognize women’s achievements and their right to pursue any career or lifestyle they choose, we must also acknowledge that the complementary roles of men and women have historically contributed to the stability and functioning of families and communities.

Traditional masculinity emphasizes qualities such as strength, resilience, and responsibility.

These qualities have helped men navigate challenges, provide for their families, and contribute to the betterment of society. However, it seems that some of these attributes are being devalued in the current narrative surrounding masculinity.

Furthermore, the idea that men should be more emotionally expressive is certainly positive, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of suppressing other essential qualities. It’s crucial that we find a balance between promoting emotional intelligence and understanding that not all men express themselves in the same way. The pressure to conform to a new standard of masculinity could lead to confusion and a sense of inadequacy among men who naturally embody more traditional traits.

In conclusion, we should be cautious about completely discarding the values and virtues that have served men and society well for generations. WE MUST PREVENT OUR SONS FROM FORGETTING ABOUT DISCIPLINE, HARD WORK, SACRIFICE, RESPONSIBILITY, HONOR, COURAGE AND, IN SHORT, TO BE MEN.

Embrace masculinity with Timonell

Embrace masculinity